- Meeting Called to Order
- Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EST.
- Opening Prayer
- Opening Prayer offered by USA National VP-Pacific Time Zone, Paul Padilla.
- Roll Call of Officers
- All Board members present or accounted for.
- Reading of the Minutes
- Minutes of November 26, 2023 were read and accepted.
- Officers Reports
International Chaplain, Father Sinclair, had nothing to report other then he continues to pray for KonB too become one organization again.
International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, had nothing to report.
- International Advocate, Dennis Mailloux, had nothing to report. He stated we were still waiting for dates and hotel information for the 2025 KonB International Rally. When they become available they will be sent out.
Canadian National President, John Vidal, had nothing to report.
USA National President, Angelo Chiodo, reported that they’re getting ready for the 2025 KonB International Rally and things are beginning to move slowly.
- USA National VP-Eastern Time Zone, Monk, reported that he has been working closely with KonB members in New York to help get the state organized. He also reported that Florida had a great turnout for the Archbishop Ride. Also he would like to try to organize an Eastern Timezone Meet Up.
- USA National VP-Mountain Time Zone, Judd Hopkins, had nothing new to report. He did State that Wyoming is now on board with two new KonB members. New Mexico needs guidance and should we reach out to them. USA National President, Angelo Chiodo, suggested reaching out by email. He also stated that we need to be proactive and the board supports this.
USA National VP-Pacific Time Zone, Paul Padilla, stated that members attended the San Francisco March for Life and there were about 5,000 people in attendance. He also stated that the Pacific time zone is expanding membership and the State president of California is doing a great job. The State president had a meeting open to all can be members in the state and reviewed the bylaws. The presidents of the diocese have been holding face to face meetings to help the state organize and keep growing. He also stated that if someone joined KonB just to get a vest with colors we need to pull those patches. We also need to continue reaching out to those members who left and continue to try the bring them back to KonB.
USA National VP-Mountain Time Zone, Judd Hopkins, also stated we need to continue to do things the right way.
- New Business
- Old Business
Spanish Bylaws
Brother Luis Torres from Puerto Rico reported that they had received the bylaws and he along with other officers were working with Rheingold to develop a patch for our new Puerto Rican Brothers.
Brother Monk reported he will continue to work with Brother Luis.
- KonB Trademark:
- USA National President, Angelo Chiodo stated that trademark discussion will take place at the next meeting in March. He also said keep doing the things we are supposed to do.
- Closing Prayer
- Closing Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Father Sinclair.
- Meeting Adjourned
- The meeting was adjourned by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley.
The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday March 31st 2024 at 19:00 EDT.