to keep all members informed

***LIMITED TIME OFFER*** ACT NOW! KonB Engraved Rings on Sale


The Florida KonB Brothers have put together a special and unique opportunity.  We have on sale custom made Knights on Bikes rings!  Please note that orders close on March 10th, 2025….after that point costs may change.

STEP 1:  Download the order form below.

STEP 2:  Complete and send in to the address listed on the form.

STEP 3:  Submit payment either via check with order form, or via the QR code on the form.

Orders will be distributed at the 2025 International Rally.  If a direct shipment is required, please see the directions on the form.

KonB Ring Order Form

EB Meeting Minutes from January 26, 2025

Meeting Called to Order

  • Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EST.

Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer offered by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley.

Roll Call of Officers

  • All officers present or accounted for.
    • Moment of Silence observed for Br. Judd Hopkins.

Reading of the Minutes

  • Minutes of previous Executive Board meeting were read and accepted.

Officers Reports

  • International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley:
    • Introduced new KonB member Will Morgan from Australia.
      • Brother Will is the National President for KonB in Australia.
    • Brother Bob also stated that since Knights on Bikes United States how now changed their name, we should be able to move away from the previous conflicts.
  • Canadian National President, John Vidal:
    •  Brother John stated that the Silver Rose should be coming from Canada on 22 March, but the date is not set in stone and when he gets the actual date, he will contact Brother Bob.
  • International Advocate, Walter Winkle:
    • Brother Walter reported on the supposed letter sent out by Supreme and had found nothing about it.  If you are approached about it and stated that if you don’t see it in writing it’s just a rumor and don’t respond.  The State President of KonB Colorado and the POD have not been contacted by anyone from the other group
      about holding a Rally in their State or Diocese.  Brothers in Idaho say they will not be anything other than Knights on Bikes.
  • USA National President, Angelo Chiodo:
    • Brother Angelo had nothing new to report. Stated that at this time no arrangements had been announced for Brother Judd Hopkins. But weather permitting they would like to have motorcycles present at the service.
  • USA National Vice President-Central TimeZone, Brian Rohrbaugh:
    • Brother Brian had nothing new to report.  Asked to be kept in the loop regarding other midwest groups traveling to the Rally to possibly link up and travel together.
  • Australian National President, Will Morgan:
    • Brother Will than introduced himself to the group and explained how he came to be involved with Knights on Bikes.

Old Business

  • 2025 International Rally
    • Brother George reported on the rally and stated everything is good at this time.  Also, reservations have gone up since our last meeting.
    • Brother George asked how members would feel if members of the KonB USA group came to the Fla Rally. It was stated the more the merrier, they just wouldn’t be able to vote.
    • Brother George asked if any of the incoming groups wanted to host an evening at the Rally. Brother John said he would check and see if Canada wanted to do anything.
    • Brother George was still looking into Bike Rental for Brothers flying in and would let everyone know his results of his research with Eagle Rider or Ride Share for Bike Rentals.  He also talked about the ride to Key West and stated he needed and approximate number of Brothers and their families taking part so he can set up rooms for everyone and events for family members attending.

New Business

  • KonB Elections
    • Election process was discussed.  It was determined that Br. James (International Administrator) and Br. Walter (International Advocate) would get together to determine the process and procedure and present it at the next KonB Executive Board meeting.
  • It was asked if a Priest’s Mother could wear the KonB Ladies patches. Brother Walter said he would research this but stated at this time we should follow the bylaws which specify the Ladies patches are for the wives of members.  It was also suggested that the design a support patch for her to put on a vest.
Guests Comments
  • Brother Bill Y reported that everything was good in Lubbock and asked about the split that has taken place.  Brother Bob explained all that had happened, and Brother Lawrence told him if he ever had any questions to reach out to any member of the Board for any help.

Closing Prayer

  • Closing Prayer offered by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley.

Meeting Adjourned

  • The meeting was adjourned by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 20:30 EST.


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, March 30th and 7pm EST.

Are You Registered for the 2025 Rally?

With the new year well underway, the 2025 International Rally will be here before we know it!  Have you registered yet?  Have you made your hotel reservations yet?

If not, here’s how:

  • STEP 1 — REGISTER FOR THE RALLY:   Use THIS LINK to complete the online registration form.  Payment instructions can be found on the form as well.
  • STEP 2 — BOOK YOUR HOTEL:  Use THIS LINK to book your hotel online.  This link has the special KonB hotel rate for our Rally.

Not fond of booking/registering online?  No problem!  CLICK HERE for the official rally flyer with full details, including hotel contact information and a physical registration form to be mailed in.

Questions?  Don’t hesitate to reach out (

EB Meeting Minutes from November 24, 2024

Meeting Called to Order

  • Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EST.

Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair.

Roll Call of Officers

  • All Board members present or accounted for.
    • Guests include James Kubinski (International Administrator), Lawrence Stewart, and Luis Torres (Puerto Rico State President).

Reading of the Minutes

  • Minutes of previous Executive Board meeting were read and accepted.

Officers Reports

  • International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair:
    • Father Sinclair said that he will in all likelihood be in Ireland during the Rally in 2025. However, he may be able to join the meeting via Skype or Starlink.
    • He also stated that he and some Brother Knights had done a Rosary Run covering 5 different Churches followed by lunch.
    • Also, He and a group of Brother Knights will be taking part in transferring the Silver Rose in the upcoming week.

  • USA National President, Angelo Chiodo:
    • Brother Angelo had nothing new to report.

  • USA National Vice President-Mountain TimeZone, Judd Hopkins:
    •  Brother Judd had nothing new to report.

  • International Advocate, Walter Winkle:
    • Brother Walter stated he had an email from New Mexico which he forwarded to Brother Bob who answered the questions asked and then returned the email to Brother Walter who then forwarded it to the State Officer in New Mexico who had originally sent it.
    • Brother Walter than read the questions that were asked to the board.  The Board then discussed the sending of a letter to all the State Deputies explaining who we are as Knights on Bikes and asking what can we do to help them within their states.  It was then discussed how to contact the State Deputies and their Officers. Should we use email to send out the letter or send it via the USPO.
    • The letter has been written, and we are currently waiting for a final draft to be approved before it is sent out.
  • USA National Vice President-Pacific TimeZone, Paul Padilla:
      • Brother Paul reported that things are slow and steady. He also stated that Hawaii currently has no State President for KonB and a new one needs to be appointed.  He is currently trying to contact the person who is to be the new State President.
      • Brother Paul then reported that he held a Pacific Time Zone meeting that was attended by approximately 30 members, and it went well.
        • Brother Monk, who also attended the meeting, also reported that the meeting was successful.
      • PODs in California hold monthly meetings.  As far as California is concerned the idea of forming an MM is dead in the water.  Otherwise, everything in California is business as usual.
      • Brother Paul stated that we have to take new applicants seriously.  It appears to be a bit of a give and take with new members as a group we need to keep involved with new members and keep everyone active.  No follow through with new members has led to some of the problems that we have today.
    • International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley:
      • Brother Bob stated that the current Michigan State Deputy has absolutely no interest in seeing an MM in his state.
    • USA National Vice President-Eastern TimeZone, Monk:
      • Brother Monk stated that in regards to formation of MM’s it appears that this idea is dying out.  All else, including planning for the 2025 Rally in Florida, is going well in the Eastern TimeZone region.
    • USA National Vice President-Central TimeZone, Brian Rohrbaugh:
      • Brother Brian had nothing new to report.
    • Canadian National President, John Vidal:
      •   Brother John V. had nothing new to report. He asked if it is possible to rent a Bike for the Rally. Brother George (Florida State President) stated that he would look into it.

New Business

      • None

Old Business

  • 2025 International Rally
    • Brother George, Florida State President, stated that Florida is excited about the 2025 Rally.
    • Hoping for about 150 bikes.
    • It is requested that KonB members attending register for the rally as soon as they are able to do so.  This helps with the planning.
      • It is asked to have registrations in by May 1, 2025.  Registration takes place online (CLICK THIS LINK).
    • Staying at the hotel is not a requirement for the rally.  Website for the RV Park is  You will be able to park RVs and trailers in the hotel parking lot, but there are no hookups.
    • Plans as of now include a lot of riding. Dinner will be at the hotel. The Calendar of events breakdown is on the FL KonB website.  (CLICK THIS LINK)
    • Brother George than went over the plans to have shirts and hats available for the Rally.
    • Canadian Brothers will be able to pay at the door It was than discussed about creating a link to help members room share if they want.
    • Brother George also stated that the FL Clergy is on board and plans on taking part in the Rally.
      • Brother Angelo than stated that Brother George is doing a fantastic job.
    • It was suggested that we get Brother James, International Administrator, a list of those members who have passed in the last four years so we can hold an an appropriate memorial in their honor.

Comments from the Floor

  • Brother Luis, Puerto Rico State President, apologized for missing meetings.
  • He is working with the new State Deputy to help get KonB up and running in PR.  He has a planning meeting with the State Deputy on 29 Nov 24.  An MM in PR has approached KonB about making a joint run with KonB and the Knights of Columbus on 1 Dec 24. Brother Luis would also like to have a ceremony for new members.
    • Brother Paul suggested that Brother Luis contact Brother Monk about setting up a ceremony.
    • Father Sinclair stated that in the Book of Blessings there is a blessing for organizations. He suggested talking with your Parish Priest to see which Blessing he thinks is best.

  • Brother Lawrence Stewart reported that members from Texas will be going to New Mexico to pick up the Silver Rose and bring it back to Texas.  It was stated that Brother Lawrence is doing a great job and to keep up the good works.
  • Brother James asked if any states were interested in hosting the 2027 Rally other than Michigan. A reminder will go out reminding states if they want to hold the rally, they need to submit a proposal to the membership at the 2025 Rally for a vote by the membership. Brother James Kubinski will send out this information via the KonB mass emailer.
  • Remember that Group me can be used to communicate within KonB and the site is open to everyone. A reminder will be sent out so all members know that it is available.  Brother James Kubinski will send out this information via the KonB mass emailer.

Closing Prayer

  • Closing Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair.

Meeting Adjourned

  • The meeting was adjourned by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley at 2030 EST.

Interested in Hosting the 2027 International Rally?

Hosting the 2027 International Rally

As our 2025 International Rally draws nearer, many of us are looking forward to the great rides, sharing of faith, and camaraderie that we will experience together.  On the business side of things, we will be selecting the location for our 2027 Rally.  If you’re State/Province is interested in hosting, please plan to have a small ‘pitch’ to present at the rally.  You don’t need to have everything figured out 100%, but here’s some good guidelines:

  • Dates:  most rallies have been 3-4 days in length, taking place in (or near) the Summer months
  • Hotel Information:  a hotel that can accommodate a meeting space, willing to give a special event rate, etc.
  • Food options:  would meals be included as part of the rides?  or perhaps a local KofC council that can allow usage of their hall?  or perhaps back at the hotel?
  • Rides/Events:  what kind of rides/locations are there that could be a focal point for activities?
  • Any other things that are interesting and would add to the rally as a whole.

The above are just very general suggestions, not a list of ‘requirements’ by any means.  As for presenting, over the years we have seen recording video presentations, paper flyers, and some as simple as folks talking to the membership.

If you are interested and have questions, please reach out to

Did you know that we have a KonB International Chat?

We’ve got a chatroom full on KonB members from all over the USA and Canada.  It’s a great place to see what’s going on across our organization, to share (and steal) ideas, and maybe even meet some new Brothers.  The KonB International Chat is on the GroupMe app.  If you’d link to join, you can use this link to join the group:

In God We Trust and Ride!

EB Meeting Minutes from September 22, 2024

Meeting Called to Order

  • Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EDT.

Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair.

Roll Call of Officers

  • All Board members present or accounted for.

Reading of the Minutes

  • Minutes of previous Executive Board meeting were read and accepted.

Officers Reports

    • International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair:
      • Nothing special to report.  Had done a rosary ride.
    • International Advocate, Walter Winkle:
      • Still has not heard back from New Mexico.  Will email them again.
      • Regarding a video put out by a former KonB member in California regarding patches: nothing was discussed at the Supreme Convention regarding the matter.  The issue seems to be fabricated.
      • In regards to the conversation around the creation of a motorcycle ministry, Brother Walter explained that each State Deputy has the authority to do so in his own state.  California is one of the few states in which the term is 1 year.
    • USA National President, Angelo Chiodo:
      • Brother Angelo reported that KonB needs to continue moving forward, and that we should be looking to support each of our own state KofC however we can.  In the future we should consider sending a letter to each State Deputy introducing them to KonB and how KonB can enhance their state.
      • Brother Angelo had the idea of setting up a meeting for each Time Zone for KonB members to meet with the executive board just to touch base, answer any questions, and help promote the 2025 International Rally.
    • USA National Vice President-Pacific TimeZone, Paul Padilla:
      • Brother Paul expressed concerns regarding the idea of forming a “KofC Motorcycle Ministry” of sorts in some of the Pacific states.
    • USA National Vice President-Mountain TimeZone, Judd Hopkins:
      • Brother Judd stated that he will begin drafting a letter to go out to State Deputies in the future.
    • International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley:
      • Brother Bob recalled a conversation from a few years ago in which it was reported the Supreme would likely not take up the issue in an official capacity (regarding KonB becoming a bonafide component of the KofC) and how this same issue related to those jurisdictions considering a KofC Motorcycle Ministry.

New Business

      • 2025 International Rally
        • From Br. George Guiterrez, Florida State President:
          • Will work on finding an RV Park as a location for those that are planning to camp near the Rally hotel.
          • Discussion regarding the optional extra ride to Key West after the Rally concludes:
            • Ride to Florida City for the first night (rooms to be approx. $70 a night).
            • Saturday night will stay in Key West.  Rooms anticipated to be a bit pricey near around $230 per night.
      • From Br. George Guiterrez, Florida State President:
        • Br. George has been discussing KonB with North Carolina and Alabama to get them involved with KonB
        • Br. George has been approached by KofC members in the Bahamas that are interested in having KonB.  The Bishop seems to be interested as well.

Old Business

  • 2025 International Rally
    • Rally registration is up and running and is available on the KonB International Website. 

Closing Prayer

  • Closing Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair at 20:10 EDT.

Meeting Adjourned

  • The meeting was adjourned by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley at 2010EDT.

EB Meeting Minutes from July 28, 2024

Meeting Called to Order

  • Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EDT.

Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer offered by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley.

Roll Call of Officers

  • All Board members present or accounted for.

Reading of the Minutes

  • Minutes of previous Executive Board meeting were read and accepted.

Officers Reports

    • International Advocate, Walter Winkle:
      • Following a meeting regarding Knights on Bikes in New Mexico, he has been in contact with the designated point of contact from the New Mexico State Council.  He has established a line of communication, but hasn’t really found out too much as of yet. 
      • There was discussion regarding an email email purported to be from the Knights of Columbus of Quebec.  In summary, the email stated that Quebec KofC would “support a woman’s right to choose”. There was no signature and it was reported that the previous State Deputy of Quebec would look into it further, but it appears to be an altered letter from approximately 3 years ago.  It is believed to be a fraudulent communication with the intent of causing division within the Knights of Columbus.  If anyone within our organization were to receive such a communication please contact International Advocate, Walter Winkle, and International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley immediately.
    • USA National President, Angelo Chiodo:
      • Reported that everything within the United States is good.
    • USA National Vice President-Pacific TimeZone, Paul Padilla:
      • Brother Paul discussed the California Knights of Columbus Convention. He stated that the new State Deputy for California is a member of Knights on Bikes but no longer rides. He also stated that the new State Deputy has created what they are calling the Knights of Columbus Motorcycle Ministry, and he would like to work with the State Deputy to have California adopt Knights on Bikes International.  Brother Paul also had some questions/thoughts regarding the current process for ordering patches from our vendor, Ringold.
    • USA National Vice President-Central TimeZone, Brian Rohrbaugh:
      • Brother Brian stated he had new members in Indiana and he purchased the patches himself and will deliver them to the new members to help grow the state.
      • Brother Brian reported that he has had a several membership inquiries from KofC members that had initially reached out to KonB USA but did not received a response.
    • International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley:
      • Brother Bob stated that we will, of course, accept membership applications from anyone that initially reaches out to KonB USA as it is appearing that the group is not very active.
      • Brother Bob also stated that the National Vice-Presidents should continue to reach out to each other for help when it’s needed.
    • USA National Vice President-Eastern TimeZone, Monk:
      • All Eastern Time Zone States are doing good at present time.
    • Canadian National President, John Vidal:
      • Brother Johnny V stated that Knights on Bikes USA have moved their rally dates to the same days as the Knights on Bikes International rally.
    • International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair:
      • Father Sinclair  named the following upcoming feast days that could be worthwhile dates for KonB groups to consider organizing a ride/event:
      • May 21st Feast of Father Jaggerstatter
      • Aug 13th- Feast of Father M. McGivney
      • Nov 23rd- Feast of St. Columbinus
      • Feb 7th- Feast of Our Lady of Grace

New Business

  • There was recently a meeting that took place between members of the KonB International Executive Board and members of the New Mexico State Board.
    • The New Mexico State Board members have expressed concerns about having Knights on Bikes membership in their State, citing an event that took place nearly 3 years ago.  
    • Per the New Mexico State Deputy, it was determined that a member of the New Mexico State Board would work with the the KonB International Advocate, Walter Winkle, to rectify this issue.
    • The New Mexico State Deputy stated that in the future he would be open to exploring the option of bringing Knights on Bikes International into the State of New Mexico.
    • Since the meeting, Brother Walter has reached out to the point of contact from the New Mexico State Board.  There has been some correspondence, but as of lately the communication coming from the New Mexico State Board point of contact has been sparse.
  • There was a discussion regarding KonB members having girlfriends present at KonB (and KofC) functions, specifically overnight functions.
    • While it is outside the bylaws of both the Knights of Columbus and Knights on Bikes for an unmarried couple to share a room, this is a decision that needs to be made by the people involved and should have no outside influence from Knights on Bikes as to what they do. 
    • The Knights of Columbus Constitution states that couples should be married. 
    • Father Sinclair then gave his views on cohabiting and the fact we need to stay above scandal. He repeated that an unmarried couple should not sleep together in the, however this should be the domain of the council or the state in question.
  • There was discussion regarding the process for ordering crests (patches) from the supplier, Ringgold.
    • There seems to have been instances in which new KonB members are being contacted by other members outside of KonB regarding their membership in an attempt to draw these men away from Knights on Bikes International.  It is thought that this may be happening when these newer members place their patch orders.
    • Br. James Kubinski, International Administrator, had stated that he has had email correspondence with several new/prospective KonB members that had reported having been contacted by other members about Knights on Bikes that were not affiliated with Knights on Bikes International.
    • It was determined that moving forward, the State President of each state should place the order for patches for new members.
      • The State President can coordinate with the new members to receive payment, and to get the new member his patch however is convenient for both parties.

Old Business

  • KonB Trademark
    • Still pending—nothing new to report.
  • 2025 International Rally
    • From Br. George Guiterrez, Florida State President:
    • Brother George stated that he is putting together a flyer, and once finalized and approved by the Executive Board, he will send it to Br. James Kubinski to send out to the KonB membership.
    • Hotel rooms for the rally will be $139 a night without breakfast or $149 a night with breakfast included.
    • Tentative Schedule:
      • Monday—folks to arrive/there will be a meet and greet.
      • Tuesday-—will begin with a rosary before breakfast and followed by a long ride to shrines and churches in the area followed by dinner.
      • Wednesday—will be a rosary before breakfast followed by the business meeting and a police escorted ride to Daytona and then dinner following.
      • Thursday—will be a ride to Mass and check out of the hotel. 
      • For those interested, there will be a ride to Key West following the official conclusion of the rally after Mass on Thursday.
    • Brother George has stated that he is challenging Florida to match the number of bikes coming to the rally.
    • There will be a vigil for members who have passed the dates and time to be worked out and passed on to the membership.
    • Fees and overall costs for the Rally beyond the hotel are still a work in progress. 
    • Brother Angelo thanked Brother George for all the hard work he has put in.
    • Brother George stated that the Archbishop of Florida is looking forward to riding with Knights on Bikes at the Rally.
    • Brother Judd suggested that Fl KonB set up a website for people to order T-Shirts and Challenge Coins.

Closing Prayer

  • Closing Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair at 20:35 EDT.

Meeting Adjourned

  • The meeting was adjourned by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley at EDT.
  • The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 at 19:00 EDT.


Walter Winkle Appointed as International Advocate

Greeting KonB Brothers,

We are pleased to announce that Brother Walter Winkle has been appointed to the position of International Advocate for Knights on Bikes.  As a Past State Deputy for the Michigan Knights of Columbus, Walter is well-qualified and abundantly knowledgable when it comes to all things Knights of Columbus.

Congratulations to Brother Walter!