EB Meeting Minutes from January 26, 2025

Meeting Called to Order

  • Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EST.

Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer offered by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley.

Roll Call of Officers

  • All officers present or accounted for.
    • Moment of Silence observed for Br. Judd Hopkins.

Reading of the Minutes

  • Minutes of previous Executive Board meeting were read and accepted.

Officers Reports

  • International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley:
    • Introduced new KonB member Will Morgan from Australia.
      • Brother Will is the National President for KonB in Australia.
    • Brother Bob also stated that since Knights on Bikes United States how now changed their name, we should be able to move away from the previous conflicts.
  • Canadian National President, John Vidal:
    •  Brother John stated that the Silver Rose should be coming from Canada on 22 March, but the date is not set in stone and when he gets the actual date, he will contact Brother Bob.
  • International Advocate, Walter Winkle:
    • Brother Walter reported on the supposed letter sent out by Supreme and had found nothing about it.  If you are approached about it and stated that if you don’t see it in writing it’s just a rumor and don’t respond.  The State President of KonB Colorado and the POD have not been contacted by anyone from the other group
      about holding a Rally in their State or Diocese.  Brothers in Idaho say they will not be anything other than Knights on Bikes.
  • USA National President, Angelo Chiodo:
    • Brother Angelo had nothing new to report. Stated that at this time no arrangements had been announced for Brother Judd Hopkins. But weather permitting they would like to have motorcycles present at the service.
  • USA National Vice President-Central TimeZone, Brian Rohrbaugh:
    • Brother Brian had nothing new to report.  Asked to be kept in the loop regarding other midwest groups traveling to the Rally to possibly link up and travel together.
  • Australian National President, Will Morgan:
    • Brother Will than introduced himself to the group and explained how he came to be involved with Knights on Bikes.

Old Business

  • 2025 International Rally
    • Brother George reported on the rally and stated everything is good at this time.  Also, reservations have gone up since our last meeting.
    • Brother George asked how members would feel if members of the KonB USA group came to the Fla Rally. It was stated the more the merrier, they just wouldn’t be able to vote.
    • Brother George asked if any of the incoming groups wanted to host an evening at the Rally. Brother John said he would check and see if Canada wanted to do anything.
    • Brother George was still looking into Bike Rental for Brothers flying in and would let everyone know his results of his research with Eagle Rider or Ride Share for Bike Rentals.  He also talked about the ride to Key West and stated he needed and approximate number of Brothers and their families taking part so he can set up rooms for everyone and events for family members attending.

New Business

  • KonB Elections
    • Election process was discussed.  It was determined that Br. James (International Administrator) and Br. Walter (International Advocate) would get together to determine the process and procedure and present it at the next KonB Executive Board meeting.
  • It was asked if a Priest’s Mother could wear the KonB Ladies patches. Brother Walter said he would research this but stated at this time we should follow the bylaws which specify the Ladies patches are for the wives of members.  It was also suggested that the design a support patch for her to put on a vest.
Guests Comments
  • Brother Bill Y reported that everything was good in Lubbock and asked about the split that has taken place.  Brother Bob explained all that had happened, and Brother Lawrence told him if he ever had any questions to reach out to any member of the Board for any help.

Closing Prayer

  • Closing Prayer offered by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley.

Meeting Adjourned

  • The meeting was adjourned by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 20:30 EST.


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, March 30th and 7pm EST.