- Meeting Called to Order
- Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EDT.
- Opening Prayer
- Opening Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Father Sinclair.
- Roll Call of Officers
- All Board members present or accounted for. Guests in attendance include Florida State President, George Guiterrez, and Michigan State President/International Administrator, James Kubinski.
- Reading of the Minutes
- Minutes of January 21, 2024 were read and accepted.
- Moment of Silence
- International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, requested a moment of silence in honor of International Advocate, Dennis Mailloux.
- Officers Reports
- International Chaplain, Father Sinclair, reported that his group had just finished a lunch run that had ended at a local hospital. Father also stated that they would be doing a Stations of the Cross Run on Good Friday going to 14 different churches. Father also stated that he had offered a Mass for Brother Dennis.
- International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, stated everything had been quiet and he had nothing new to report.
- Canadian National President, John Vidal, reported he had appointed Ontario State President, Thom Hargraves, to the position of Canadian National Vice President to replace Brother Dennis Mailloux until the next election cycle.
- Canadian National Vice President, Thom Hargreaves, introduced himself to the board.
- Canadian National President, John Vidal, also reported that Brother Mike Holly will assume the duties of Ontario State President.
- USA National President, Angelo Chiodo, reported he had just finished a “Way of the Cross Ride” with KonB Members in Texas. He also stated that he was happy to see that Brother Jesus Chavez was also present. There were about 35 Bikes present for the ride. He also stated that he was planning to go to Sturgis, South Dakota for the Annual Rally there if anyone wanted to join him.
- USA National VP-Central Time Zone, Brian Rohrbaugh, had nothing to report. He did state that he plans on visiting Missouri, Illinois and Michigan over the summer.
- USA National VP-Eastern Time Zone, Monk, had nothing new to report. He did state that New York was still doing great and he had no response from Georgia, but he still wants to hold and East Coast rally.
- Canadian National Vice President, Thom Hargreaves, reported that they had a member to be ordained in June and KonB members would be attending to show support for the member and his Council.
- There is a Living Rosary on their Calendar with a date to be determined.
- On June 2nd there will be Veterans Ride in Ottawa, J.P. Rickard is in charge. More information to follow.
- There will be a Memorial Mass for Brother Dennis Mailloux on June 1st.
- USA National VP-Mountain Time Zone, Judd Hopkins, was having weather-related connectivity issues. He had nothing new to report.
- New Business
- International Advocate Position
- International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, stated that due to the passing of Dennis Mailloux, this position will need to be filled. He stated that he talked to the Michigan Immediate Past State Deputy, Walter Winkle, about the position. Brother Walter expressed an interest and said that he would have a clearer answer following the Michigan KofC State Convention.
- Discussion ensued among those in attendance. Other names suggested were Michigan State President/International Administrator, James Kubinski and London Diocese President, Dax Chauvin.
- International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, stated that if anyone has any other ideas to please forward the names to him.
- International Advocate Position
- Old Business
- KonB Trademark
- Nothing new to report at this time.
- 2025 International Rally
- Florida State President, George Gutierrez, reported on the 2025 rally:
- The hotel will be the St Augustine Hotel and the cost is anticipated to be $149 per night with breakfast included. Check in will be June 23rd and check out will be June 26th. The hotel has provided a meeting room and there will be an area for a “KonB store” at the rally. There will be options for early check-in/late check-out for anyone needing an extended stay at the hotel. This hotel is the same location where the movie Caddy Shack was filmed.
- Florida KonB is working on some rides to take place during the rally.
- Following the rally there are also plans for an optional ride to the Florida Keys for anyone interested.
- Florida has also created a Facebook page for the rally to facilitate communications and it currently has 175 members. The group can be accessed via this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/362707459562699/.
- International Administrator, James Kubinski, stated he will post the Rally Information on the KonB social pages and the the website once finalized and ready for distribution.
- Florida State President, George Guiterrez, also stated that Florida members plan on attending the KonB State Meeting. KonB members from Alabama, North Carolina and possibly Georgia will be attending as well.
- KonB Puerto Rico
- Brother Angelo asked if Ringolde could help with issue of having Puerto Rican flag crest available.
- Florida State President, George Guiterrez, stated that there was a Florida KonB member that is traveling to Puerto Rico. This member was also planning to meet with the Puerto Rican KonB members and try to get everything working correctly. He also stated that Brothers Ramon C. and Founder Raymond Medina have been in contact with Puerto Rico KonB members and gave them a blessing to do create their patches locally.
- Following that statement there was a long discussion between the members of the board trying to decide how we should handle Puerto Rico. Any decision on Puerto Rican guidance will be tabled until we hear back from the Florida member. The only suggestion made was at this time to continue letting Brother Ramon C. and Founder Raymond Medina continue offering guidance to Puerto Rico since it sounds like they have an established rapport.
- KonB Trademark
- Additional Comments
- International Administrator, James Kubinski, asked if everyone liked using Google Meet for the meeting worked for everyone. All attendees stated that they thought it worked very well and we should continue to use it.
- He also reported on upcoming events taking place in Michigan.
- Eucharistic Escort/Procession for the Feast of Corpus Christi taking place in Sault Ste Marie in June.
- Michigan Meetup taking place in August near Traverse City
- A possible ride starting in Detroit crossing over into Canada and then Crossing back into Michigan along with Canadian KonB members.
- 2nd Annual Dale Grace Memorial Steak-Out taking place April 20th, 2024.
- The Detroit Diocese will be hosting their annual kickoff party for the riding season on May 11th,
- There’s a Bike Blessing taking place on May the 18th in Memphis, Michigan. Hosted by Detroit KonB and KofC Council #10501 and supports Michigan Right to Life and the Spero Pregnancy Center.
- Michigan Knights on Bikes has been invited to attend a Parish Festival in Caseville, Michigan.
- He also reported on upcoming events taking place in Michigan.
- International Administrator, James Kubinski, asked if everyone liked using Google Meet for the meeting worked for everyone. All attendees stated that they thought it worked very well and we should continue to use it.
- Closing Prayer
- Closing Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Father Sinclair.
- Meeting Adjourned
- The meeting was adjourned by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley.
- The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday May 19th 2024 at 19:00 EDT via Google Meet.