EB Meeting Minutes from September 22, 2024

Meeting Called to Order

  • Executive Board Meeting called to order by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley, at 19:00 EDT.

Opening Prayer

  • Opening Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair.

Roll Call of Officers

  • All Board members present or accounted for.

Reading of the Minutes

  • Minutes of previous Executive Board meeting were read and accepted.

Officers Reports

    • International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair:
      • Nothing special to report.  Had done a rosary ride.
    • International Advocate, Walter Winkle:
      • Still has not heard back from New Mexico.  Will email them again.
      • Regarding a video put out by a former KonB member in California regarding patches: nothing was discussed at the Supreme Convention regarding the matter.  The issue seems to be fabricated.
      • In regards to the conversation around the creation of a motorcycle ministry, Brother Walter explained that each State Deputy has the authority to do so in his own state.  California is one of the few states in which the term is 1 year.
    • USA National President, Angelo Chiodo:
      • Brother Angelo reported that KonB needs to continue moving forward, and that we should be looking to support each of our own state KofC however we can.  In the future we should consider sending a letter to each State Deputy introducing them to KonB and how KonB can enhance their state.
      • Brother Angelo had the idea of setting up a meeting for each Time Zone for KonB members to meet with the executive board just to touch base, answer any questions, and help promote the 2025 International Rally.
    • USA National Vice President-Pacific TimeZone, Paul Padilla:
      • Brother Paul expressed concerns regarding the idea of forming a “KofC Motorcycle Ministry” of sorts in some of the Pacific states.
    • USA National Vice President-Mountain TimeZone, Judd Hopkins:
      • Brother Judd stated that he will begin drafting a letter to go out to State Deputies in the future.
    • International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley:
      • Brother Bob recalled a conversation from a few years ago in which it was reported the Supreme would likely not take up the issue in an official capacity (regarding KonB becoming a bonafide component of the KofC) and how this same issue related to those jurisdictions considering a KofC Motorcycle Ministry.

New Business

      • 2025 International Rally
        • From Br. George Guiterrez, Florida State President:
          • Will work on finding an RV Park as a location for those that are planning to camp near the Rally hotel.
          • Discussion regarding the optional extra ride to Key West after the Rally concludes:
            • Ride to Florida City for the first night (rooms to be approx. $70 a night).
            • Saturday night will stay in Key West.  Rooms anticipated to be a bit pricey near around $230 per night.
      • From Br. George Guiterrez, Florida State President:
        • Br. George has been discussing KonB with North Carolina and Alabama to get them involved with KonB
        • Br. George has been approached by KofC members in the Bahamas that are interested in having KonB.  The Bishop seems to be interested as well.

Old Business

  • 2025 International Rally
    • Rally registration is up and running and is available on the KonB International Website. 

Closing Prayer

  • Closing Prayer offered by International Chaplain, Fr. Sinclair at 20:10 EDT.

Meeting Adjourned

  • The meeting was adjourned by International President, Bob “Ace” Bagley at 2010EDT.