- 11:00: Meeting call to order by International President Robert Bagley.
- Deacon Lawrence P. was appointed Chaplain and presented the Opening Prayer for the meeting.
- 11:05: A Roll Call of Deceased Members was read into the Record and a Moment of Silence and Prayer was held in their Honor.
- 11:10: The International Advocate held a roll call of the Executive Board Officers and all Officers were present or accounted for.
- 11:15: Nominations for International President were opened. Incumbent President Robert Bagley was nominated to retain the position he currently holds. No other nominations were made and nominations were closed.
- 11:20: As there were no further nominations Brother Michael L. made a motion to accept Brother Robert Bagley as International President by acclamation. Motion was seconded and the passed with no objections.
- A motion was made that the International Vice Presidents be appointed by the international President. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation with no objections.
- Following the vote on the motion the current National President Angelo C and the current Canadian National President John V were appointed to the positions of International Vice Presidents.
- 11:25: Due to health reasons Brother Jesus Chavez resigned from his position on the board. Brother Jesus was then presented with a plaque and other gifts to honor his many years of service.
- 11:30: The reports of Officers :
- The Chaplain Lawrence P. reported all was good.
- International President Bob Bagley stated that it’s been a rough couple of years but we need to continue to move forward this rally has been about healing, and keeping Christ in the rally. He also stated that we will welcome any of our Brothers back with open arms if they wish to rejoin Knights on Bikes.
- Canadian National President John V stated that all is good in Canada. He also reminded everyone present that this is the last year of the R.O.C.K. Ride and that the Knights of Columbus may take over the running of the R.O.C.K. Ride and future years this is yet to be determined.
- American National President Angelo C had nothing to report at this time.
- The National Time Zone Vice Presidents stated that we need to continue to reach out to our Brothers to bring them back within the fold of Knights on Bikes. They also offered congratulations to our Brothers from the State of Florida for all the for all the good works that they have been doing.
- Founder Brother Ray Medina stated that he was glad that he attended the rally in Lacrosse and had nothing to report at this time.
- 11:45: There was no Old Business to Discuss.
- 11:50: New Business:
- A: Approval of Bylaws by membership
- 1: A motion was made to accept the Bylaws as presented to the membership. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation with no objections.
- B: Meeting Location for 2025 Rally
- 1. Avoid Holiday Weekends
- 2. Try to hold after school is out.
- The great States of Florida and Texas volunteered to hold to 2025 rally. After discussion by membership a motion was made for Florida to hold the rally the motion was seconded and passed following discussion.
- A: Approval of Bylaws by membership
- 12:00: The Founders Award was presented to Brothers Lawrence Stewart and Jesus Chavez.
- Distance awards went to Brother Gator and Brother Paul Padilla.
- The dates for the 2025 rally will be determined and then passed on to the membership. Florida also stated that they want to keep the 2025 rally along the same lines as the 2023 rally incorporating religious sites and devotions within the rally.
- 12:15: His Eminence Cardinal Burke then met with Knights on Bikes and was made an Honorary member. Following Cardinal Burke statements and photos with His Eminence.
- The meeting closed and Brother Johnny V offered the closing prayer.